Monday, 13 January 2014

Tyranid Tactics - HQ section - Hive Tyrant

Hey guys,
Looking at the new codex, the Hive tyrant is the best HQ in the section altogether. This guys should be in every army and maybe two of them! So lets get this started;
WS:8 - hits most things on 3+ and most weak units need 5s, not bad
BS:4 - Finally! we can hit things now, big upgrade and means a lot
S:6 - Good strength on him, making him able to wound most on a 2, makes him exceptional in cc
T:6 - My favorite aspect about this guy, most infantry need 6's to wound, makes him much more survivable
W:4 - an ok amount of wounds, not great but needs support in either wings or guard
I:5 - Quicker than marines, makes them insane in combat, while striking before most units in the game
A:4 - nothing to sniff at, 5 on the charge or with two sets of talons 6!
Ld:10 - is not really needs, you have synapse
Sv:+3 - not the best, would prefer a lower save to survive like the last editions upgrade

Special Rules:
Psyker (level 2)
This is better than last edition, we can now cast two powers a turn... woooo. Unfortunately the powers are not as good

Shadow in the Warp
-3 Leadership to psykers, this isn't bad but not as good as before, but fortunately we still have deny the witch which is good.

Synapse Creature
The rule that holds the army together, you need this, take this... please. It is helpful with you basically giving a 12" bubble of fearless.

Hive Tyrants can take every biomorph, but the ones i would recommend are;

The norn crown - 6" inches of synapse, combined with the psychic primas power, it makes it 24" synapse, combine this with tyrant guard and you are one tough cookie of synapse support, remember this can get costly.

Wings - The best competitive piece of kit he can take, become a FMC and again a bunch of rules, its a must take, also you gain skyfire with the rule which is very handy

Twin-linked devouers - This goes brilliantly with the wings, 2 sets will give you 12 twin-linked str6 shots, exceptional, and with BS4 this makes him even better.

Lashwhip and bonesword - This can be good but not amazingly competitive, compering it to a shooty tryant, it is nowhere close, nice combat abilities though.

Overall, the best HQ in the book, i always take two, you cant go wrong with this guy.
Thanks for reading,

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